We want you here.

This week, I heard a story about a person who passed by OUR CHURCH on a Sunday morning. He later told a member that he felt a strong presence and pull to turn into our parking lot and to go into the service. But he didn’t. Why? “Because”, he said, “I just got off work and didn’t want to offend anyone with what I was wearing”.

This story made me perk up, because my heart wants to build relationships with people., and it tells me we aren’t doing a good job in telling our community. It doesn’t matter to me what people are wearing. I know what God and C. S. Lewis knows… “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal… it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit”.

Recently, I was able to fly to Indianapolis, IN to visit my parents and brother. It was a welcome break from my busy schedule, and it is always refreshing to spend time with them.

I was asked to sing at a friend’s church on that Sunday, so I did. My father was teaching their Sunday school (they have theirs after the morning service). He spoke on Jacob and Esau… that whole saga.

My dad is an incredible Bible teacher. Spending time with him… I’m always learning. In fact, he just called me yesterday after viewing my “Life Lessons from the Life of Joseph” sermon yesterday. Had so many great points he shared in regards to Genesis 37, the text I preached from.

Back to the Sunday School moment in Indianapolis…. At one point, he made an appeal to the congregation, talking about how we all worry about what people think when we have struggles or need spiritual help or counseling. He said, “Why would you worry about what people think? Anyone who loves God wants you to be in real relationship with Jesus!”.

Wow. So true. The voice of the Enemy has been too loud for too long, and the Church has been whispering, when it should be speaking Jesus from every corner of the world.

God wants you to be in real relationship with him. So much so that he left his Kingdom to enter ours. He laid his life down on his table of relationship, his Cross, and tore down any barrier that could ever keep you from him.

He opened the door, and all you have to do is come in. Those of us already here would love to pull up a seat for you! There’s always room, no matter what you’ve done or where you are coming from.

Who cares what people think. Besides, I’m speaking up and speaking out. We want you here.


Obedience is the Evidence of Our Faith